Mar 29, 2015
Time Keeps On Slippin': Joe's Thoughts on "Rogue Time"
Time travel. The bane of McFlys and writers alike. It's an element that, once introduced, irrevocably changes the nature of whatever it's introduced to. Things get "Timey-wimey." Read more...
The post CCU 34 – S1E16 – Rogue Time appeared first on Golden Spiral...
Mar 21, 2015
We come back after a few weeks off to a terrific episode of The Flash! No more "Will they or won't they?", time travel is here and it's going to get messy!
Join us as we discuss The Flash Season 1, Episode 15 Out Of Time... even though we call it Episode 14 in the podcast. Whoops!
Still, clerical numbering problems or...